AuthorAnonymous Even if some scholars used to attribute the work to Aḥmed Dâ‘î among othe rhis biographer İsmail Ertaylan, newer generation of Early Anatolian Turkish, such as Günay Kut, rejects this attribution, on convincing grounds. Günay Kut, “Ahmed-i Dâ‘î”, TDVİA.
Work TitleSirācü’l-Kulūb (The Torch of the Hearts)
Alternative Titles

There are six known manuscripts of the work, the sections and subsections of which do not always correspond to one each other. For the enumeration of the copies and their particularities: Yakup Karasoy, “Sirâcü’l-Kulûb ve Eserdeki Hayvan Tespihleri”, Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, XIX (2006), 27-52


Yakup Karasoy, “Ahmed-I Dâ‘î. Sirâcü’l-Kulûb”, Unpubished M. A. Dissertation, Ankara Gazi Üniversitesi, 1985.

Content Summary

The text is one of the earliest examples of the sub-genre called the ‘forty-questions’ (ḳırḳ suʾāl). The work consists of questions fictively addressed to Muḥammad about the origins of the Universe, the end of it and several other cosmogonical, eschatological matters as well as other curiosities such as the emplacement of the Mountain Ḳāf.


İsmail Hikmet Ertaylan, Ahmed-i Dâî, Hayatı ve Eserleri, İstanbul 1952

Yakup Karasoy, “Sirâcü’l-Kulûb ve Eserdeki Hayvan Tespihleri”, Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, XIX (2006), 27-52

Günay Kut, “Ahmed-i Dâ‘î”, TDVİA. 

Categoriesliterature, marvels, natural sciences
Tagsangelology, cosmogony
Date Added(not set)