ID | 10 |
Author | Unknown |
Work Title | Ḳıṣaṣ-ı Enbiyā |
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Manuscripts | There are several manuscripts bearing the same name and grosso modo very similar subject matters written both in Old Anatolian Turkish and the Caghatay/Eastern Turkish. For their short-list see: Cemiloğlu, 1994: xiv-xvi. |
Editions | İsmet Cemiloğlu, 14. Yüzyıla Ait Bir Kısas-ı Enbiyâ Nüshası Üzerinde Sentaks İncelemesi, Ankara, TDK, 1994 |
Date | 14th century. |
Content Summary | The Qur’an contains not only revelations, norms and sacred laws but also relates some succint stories about the lives of past prophets. A sub-genre related to the study of the Quran is about these stories (qisas) which expand the often brief, laconic sections and re-interprets at times the enigmatic aspects of those stories with the help of Qur’anic hermeneutics, folklore and Biblical (both official and apocryphal) references. Moreover, these stories are not considered as mere tales or legends but actual historical accounts, relating what is known about the lives of the prophets. In one of the earliest example of this sub-genre prepared in the Anatolian realm, one finds the accounts of the angels, Abel & Cain, Enoch (İdris), Noah and his sons, Salih, Ismael and the construction of the Ka’aba, Loth, Joseph, Moses, Jonas, David, Solomon, Hizr and Elia, Seven Sleepers, Alexander, Virgin Mary, Jesus (Cemiloğlu, 1994). There are two main boks written in Arabic in the 10th c.: one by Thalabi and the other by Rabguzi. This translation --which is rather a re-elaboration -- is based on Thalabi’s version (Brinner 2002; Khan, 2019). |
Bibliography | William M. Brinner, ʿArāʾis al-madjālis fī qiṣaṣ al-anbiyāʾ or « Lives of the Prophets », Leiden, Brill, 2002; İsmet Cemiloğlu, 14. Yüzyıla Ait Bir Kısas-ı Enbiyâ Nüshası Üzerinde Sentaks İncelemesi, Ankara, TDK, 1994; M. van Damme, “Rabghuzi’s Qiṣaṣ al-Anbiyāʾ, Reconsidered in the Light of Western Medieval Studies: Narrationes vel Exempla”, in: De Turcicis aliisque rebus: Commentarii Henry Hofman dedicati, Utrecht 1992, s. 7-37; Hamed Khan, Salebî'nin Kısasü'l-Enbiyâ Eserinin Eski Anadolu Türkçesine Çevirileri: Betimleyici Çeviri Kuramları Işığında Karşılaştırmalı Bir İnceleme, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Unpublished Ph. D. Dissertation, 2019 viii-categories literature; marvels; Sufism ix-tags: ‘İsrailliyat’ ; Miracles ; Prophets |
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