ID | 48 |
Author | Kemal Paşazade |
Work Title | Ahvāl-i Kıyāmet |
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Manuscripts | 11 extant copies. library: Millet Ktp. MS. number: 34 Ae Manzum 573/2 no. of folios: … library: Manisa İl Halk Ktp. MS. number: 45 HK 1073/9 no. of folios: … |
Editions | Şenödeyici, Doç. Dr. Özer. “Kemal Paşazade Tarafından Tercüme Edildiği Düşünülen Bir Risale: Ahval-i Kıyamet”. Türklük Bilimi Araştırmaları, 36, (2015): 291-19. |
Date | 1502-1534 (Suyuti’s work was written in 1502, Kemal Paşazade died in 1534.) |
Content Summary | Ahvāl-i Kıyāmet is the translation of Jalāl al-Dīn Suyȗtī's Kitabü’l-Kesf ʿan-Mücavezeti Hâzihi’l Ümmeti el-Elf. The work has been translated selectively by Kemal Pasazade. The author states that according to the hadiths, the world will live for seven thousand years, and by making some calculations, he shows that the apocalypse is still a few centuries away. After analyzing some of the previous interpretations on this subject, the author concludes that the time frame in which the great signs will be realized has not yet been reached. |
Bibliography | Bas, Eyüp. “Binyılcılık ve Osmanlı Toplumunda Hicrî Milenyum Kıyamet Beklentisi ile İlgili Bazı Veriler”, Dinî Arastırmalar, (2005): c. 7, s. 21: 163-177. Parmaksızoğlu, İsmet (1977), “Kemâl Pasa-zâde”, İslâm Ansiklopedisi, C. VI, Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları, İstanbul: 561-566. Kaya, Şahin. Empire and Power in the Reign of Süleyman: Narrating the Sixteenth-Century Ottoman World. Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization. Cambridge University Press; 2013. Barbara Flemming, 'Sâhib-kirân und Mahdi: Türkische Endzeiterwartungen im ersten Jahrzehnt der Regierung Süleymâns', in Gyorgy Kara, ed., Between the Danube and the Caucasus,Budapest, 1987, pp. 43-62. Cornell Fleischer, 'The Lawgiver as Messiah: The Making of the Imperial Image in the Reign of Süleymân', in Gilles Veinstein, ed., Soliman le Magnifique et son temps, Paris, 1992, pp. 159- 77. |
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Date Added | 2024-09-19 15:55:25 |