AuthorFirdevsī-i Ṭavīl Şerefü’d-dīn Mūsā (Firdevsī-i Rūmī, Uzun Firdevsî, Türk Firdevsī) (1453-after 1517)
Work TitleDaʿvet-nāme
Alternative Titles
Manuscriptslibrary: İstanbul Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi; MS. number: Türkçe Yazmalar 208; no. of folios: 90. Copied in 1114 (1702/3), with possible insertions by the copyist(s) (e.g. reference to a 1656 comet; see ed., 12)
Editionseditor: Fatma Büyükkarcı; title: Firdevsī-i Ṭavīl and his Da‘vet-nāme: Interpretation, Transcription, Index, Facsimile and Microfiche; publisher: The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University; date: 1995
Content SummaryBased on Shams al-maʿarif and similar works, this is an essay on angels, jinn and the ways to invoke them. After an introduction, the author gives general information on angels and jinn, their ranks, dwellings and appointments. The second chapter describes the signs of the zodiac, the seven heavens and their movements, the constellations and some specific stars, as well as the ranks and numbers of angels. In the third chapter the author gives the prerequisites for conjuring the jinn; in the fourth, he describes the various ways to invoke angels and jinn, according to the hour of day, the month, the sort and name of the jinn and so forth. The fifth chapter describes the movement of the sun and the moon across the zodiac during the year. Finally, the sixth chapter deals with invoking the angels associated with the various phases of the moon.
BibliographyFatma Büyükkarcı, Firdevsī-i Ṭavīl and his Da‘vet-nāme: Interpretation, Transcription, Index, Facsimile and Microfiche, Harvard: The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations [Sources of Oriental Languages and Literatures 29; Turkish Sources XXVI], 1995 viii-categories: astrology; divination; magic; talismanic
Date Added2024-09-18 15:57:31