AuthorElvān Çelebi
Work TitleMenāḳıbü’l- ḳudsiyye fī menāṣibi’l-ünsiyye
Alternative Titles
ManuscriptsThis is an unicum: Konya Mevlana Müzesi Kütüphanesi n. 4937, 118 fol.
EditionsTulum 2000; Erünsal-Ocak 2009.
Date14th century.
Content SummaryMenāḳıbü’l- ḳudsiyye, a biographical mathnavi, is written by Elvān Çelebi, son of ʿĀşıq ʿAlī– one of the first Sufis writing in Old Anatolian Turkish–. The work is in fact the res gestae of Bābā Ilyās-i Horāsānī, the author’s ancestor, who was not only a prominent Vefāʾī sheikh but also co-perpetrator of an important rebellion in Central Asia Minor in the mid-13th century. The work relates many supernatural events attributed to the super-human faculties (kerāmet) of the sheikh. Bābā Ilyās resurrects, heals, foretells the future, walks on the water, has an immunity to fire and a special capacity which helps him to befriend with the animals.
Bibliography Elvan Çelebi, Menâkıbü’l-kudsiyye, İsmail E. Erünsal - A. Yaşar Ocak (ed.), Ankara, TTK, 2009; Sadullah Gulten, (2011). A Vefai Sheikh in Anatolia: Some Considerations About Dede Karkın In The Light Of Tahrir Daftars. Türk Kültürü ve Haci Bektas Veli - Araştırma Dergisi 2011, p. 147-158; Ayfer Karakaya-Stump, “The Wafā’iyya, the Bektashiyye and Genealogies of ‘Heterodox’ Islam in Anatolia: Rethinking the Köprülü Paradigm.” Turcica (44) 2012-2013: 279-300; Ümit Tokatlı, Elvan Çelebi’nin Menâkıbnâmesi-Metin-İndeks-Gramer, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Unpublished Ph. D. Dissertation, 1984; Mertol Tulum, Tarihî Metin Çalışmalarında Usul: Menakıbü’l-Kudsiyye Üzerinde Bir Deneme, İstanbul 2000 viii-categories literature; Sufism; marvels
Date Added2024-09-18 15:57:31