Showing 41-51 of 51 items.
ID | Author | Work Title | Alternative Titles |
41 | Balıkesirli Râsih Ahmed Bey | Bülgatü’l-Ahbâb | |
42 | Müneccimbaşı Mehmed Çelebi | Uṣûl-i Aḥkâm-ı Sâl-i ʿÂlem | Uṣûl-i Aḥkâm-ı Mevālid |
43 | İbn-i Îsâ (İlyas b. İ̄sā-yı Saruhānı̇̄) | Rumūzü’l-Künūz | |
44 | Derviş Hasan Medhî | Dâstân-ı Ebû Ali Sînâ ve Ebu‟l-Hâris | |
45 | Ali Kuşçu | Felāḥat-nāme | |
46 | Anonymous | İhtilāc-nāme | |
47 | Abdullah Halim Efendi | SEYFÜ’l-İZZET İLA HAZRETİ SAHİBİ’D-DEVLET (the edition does not use the transliteration system) | |
48 | Kemal Paşazade | Ahvāl-i Kıyāmet | |
49 | AHMED-İ DÂʿÎ. | No separate title, a text about ebced inside the Tercüme-i Kitâbü’t-taʻbîr | |
50 | Anonymous | No title given by the author but the text belongs to the melhame genre | |
51 | Anonymous | Risāle-i Tuḥfetü’l-İḫvān |