Previous work of the research team related to the GHOST project
- M. Sariyannis, “Of Ottoman Ghosts, Vampires and Sorcerers: An Old Discussion Disinterred”, Archivum Ottomanicum 30 (2013), 195-220.
- M. Sariyannis, “Ajâ’ib ve gharâ’ib: Ottoman collections of mirabilia and perceptions of the supernatural”, Der Islam 92/2 (2015), 442-467.
- M. Sariyannis, “The Dead, the Spirits, and the Living: On Ottoman Ghost Stories”, Journal of Turkish Studies / Türklük Bilgisi Araştırmaları 44 (2015) [Çekirge Budu: Festschrift in Honor of Robert Dankoff], 373-390.
- Aslı Niyazioğlu, Dreams and Lives in Ottoman Istanbul: A Seventeenth Century Biographer’s Perspective (Routledge, 2017)
- Feray Coşkun, “An Ottoman Preacher’s Perception of a Medieval Cosmography: Mahmûd al-Hatîb’s Translation of Kharîdat al-‘Ajâ’ib wa Farîdat al-Gharâ’ib”, Al-Masâq 23/1 (2011), pp. 53-66.
- Harun Küçük, “Early Modern Ottoman Science: A New Materialist Framework,” Journal of Early Modern History 21 (2017): 407-419.
- Harun Küçük, “The Copernican Rhetoric of Ibrahim Müteferrika,” in Sietske Fransen, Niall Hodson and Karl Enenkel eds. Translating Early Modern Science, Leiden: Brill, 2017, 258-285.
- Harun Küçük, “New Medicine and the Hikmet-i Tabi’iyye Problematic in Eighteenth Century Istanbul,” in Tzvi Langermann and Robert Morrison, eds. Texts in Transit in the Medieval Mediterranean. University Park, PA: Penn State Press, 2016; pp. 222-242.
- Ethan L. Menchinger, “Freewill, Predestination, and the Fate of the Ottoman Empire”, Journal of the History of Ideas 77/3 (2016), 445-466.
- A. T. Şen, « Reading the Stars at the Ottoman Court: Bâyezîd II (r. 886/1481-918/1512) and his Celestial Interests », Arabica 64 (2017), p. 557-608.
- A. T. Şen, « Practicing Astral Magic in Sixteenth-Century Ottoman Istanbul: A Treatise on Talismans Attributed to Ibn Kemāl », Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft (2017), p. 66-88.
Work done during the GHOST project
- M. Sariyannis, Perceptions ottomanes du surnaturel. Aspects de l’histoire intellectuelle d’une culture islamique à l’époque moderne [Les conférences de l’Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes 13], Paris: Les éditions du Cerf 2019. - M. Sariyannis, The limits of going global: The case of “Ottoman Enlightenment(s)”. History Compass. 2020;e12623. - Z. Aydoğan, “Gāzīs and Cādūs at the Margins: Conversion at the Point of Sword and Enchantment”, Aca’ib 1 (2020), 21-48.
- M. Sariyannis, “Knowledge and Control of the Future in Ottoman Thought”, Aca’ib 1 (2020), 49-84.
- F. Coşkun, “Working Paper: ‘Ajā’ib wa Gharā’ib in the Early Ottoman Cosmographies “, Aca’ib 1 (2020), 85-104.
- E. L. Menchinger, “Revisiting “Turkish Fatalism”; Or, Why Ottoman Theology Matters”, Aca’ib 2 (2021), 9-37.
- M. Sariyannis, “Languages of Ottoman Esotericism”, Aca’ib 2 (2021), 39-75.
- A. T. Şen, “Manuscripts on the Battlefields: Early Modern Ottoman Subjects in the European Theatre of War and Their Textual Relations to the Supernatural in Their Fight for Survival”, Aca’ib 2 (2021), 77-106.
- M. Litinas, “The Views of Gerasimos Vlachos on Astral Influences: Aristotelic, Hermetic, and Astrological Approaches to the Heavenly Bodies”, Aca’ib 2 (2021), 147-168,×13
- M. Sariyannis, «Nous étions tous stupéfaits et effrayés» : Émotions ottomanes face au surnaturel. Turcica 53 (2022),
277-306. - A. Niyazioğlu, “Into the Deep Past of the Ottoman Istanbul: The Bronze Horseman of Constantine in Sixteenth-Century ʿAcāʾibs”, Aca’ib 3 (2022), 13-34.
- M. Sariyannis, “Ottoman Occultism and its Social Contexts: Preliminary Remarks”, Aca’ib 3 (2022), 35-66.
- M. Sariyannis, “A Tale of Two Cities: Jābarṣā/Jābalqā and Their Metamorphoses”, forthcoming in Der Islam 101/1 (2024).
Note: All publications reflect only the authors’ view and the European Research Council Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information they contain.four