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Continue ReadingErtŸrk, Halilibrahim, “Tabib Muhammed Bin HasanÕin ?lm-? Tibb Adli Eseri: ?eri?i, Tibb” Terminolojisi Ve Kelime ?statisti?i”, Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, 4: 2 (2018), 379-403.

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Continue ReadingDucne, Jean-Charles, “The Knowledge of the Seas According to the Ottoman Translations and Adaptation of Arabic Works (15th Ð 16th c.)”, in Uluslararas? Piri Reis ve TŸrk Denizcilik Tarihi Sempozyumu, 26 Ð 29 EylŸl 2013 (Ankara: TŸrk Tar?h Kurumu, 2014), VI: 123-134 et 301-304.

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Continue ReadingDi Vicenzo, Silvia, “Reading AvicennaÕs Kit?b al-?if?Õ in the Ottoman World: The Circulation of the Work Within the School of As?ad al-Y?nyaw?”, MŽlanges de l’UniversitŽ Saint-Joseph, 67 (2017-2018), 327-350

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Continue Reading?ak?r, MŸjg‰n, “”K?y‰fet-N‰me”ler Hakk?nda Bir Bibliyografya Denemesi”, TŸrkiye Araflt?rmalar? LiteratŸr Dergisi, 5: 9 (2007), 333-350.

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Bršmer, Rayner, Kulturgesschichte der osmanischen Medizin: Anatomie von Ibn Al-Naf?s and Vesal su ?anizade und Hasan al-ÔAtt?r (ca. 1820)", in Dominik Gro§, Axel Karenberg (eds), Schriften des Rheinischen Kreises der Medizinhistoriker, vol. 1 (Kassel: Kassel University Press 2009), 267-776.

Continue ReadingBršmer, Rayner, Kulturgesschichte der osmanischen Medizin: Anatomie von Ibn Al-Naf?s and Vesal su ?anizade und Hasan al-ÔAtt?r (ca. 1820)”, in Dominik Gro§, Axel Karenberg (eds), Schriften des Rheinischen Kreises der Medizinhistoriker, vol. 1 (Kassel: Kassel University Press 2009), 267-776.

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Ben-Zaken, Avner, Intellectual, "Political Economy Scientific Activity in the Ottoman Empire", in Hasan Cela?l GŸzel, Cem O?uz, Osman Karatay (eds), The Turks, vol. 3: Ottomans (Ankara: Yeni Tu?rkiye 2019), 776-793.

Continue ReadingBen-Zaken, Avner, Intellectual, “Political Economy Scientific Activity in the Ottoman Empire”, in Hasan Cela?l GŸzel, Cem O?uz, Osman Karatay (eds), The Turks, vol. 3: Ottomans (Ankara: Yeni Tu?rkiye 2019), 776-793.

Ben-Zaken, Avner, “Intellectual, Scientific and Technological Relations Between Christian and Muslim Civilisations 1580-1822”, in David Thomas and John Chesworth (eds), Christian-Muslim Relations A Bibliographical History, vol. 13. Western Europe (1700-1800) (Leiden – Boston: Brill 2019), 35-45.

Ben-Zaken, Avner, "Intellectual, Scientific and Technological Relations Between Christian and Muslim Civilisations 1580-1822", in David Thomas and John Chesworth (eds), Christian-Muslim Relations A Bibliographical History, vol. 13. Western Europe (1700-1800) (Leiden - Boston: Brill 2019), 35-45.

Continue ReadingBen-Zaken, Avner, “Intellectual, Scientific and Technological Relations Between Christian and Muslim Civilisations 1580-1822”, in David Thomas and John Chesworth (eds), Christian-Muslim Relations A Bibliographical History, vol. 13. Western Europe (1700-1800) (Leiden – Boston: Brill 2019), 35-45.