Showing 1-20 of 51 items.
ID | Author | Work Title | Alternative Titles |
1 | Anonymous Even if some scholars used to attribute the work to Aḥmed Dâ‘î among othe rhis biographer İsmail Ertaylan, newer generation of Early Anatolian Turkish, such as Günay Kut, rejects this attribution, on convincing grounds. Günay Kut, “Ahmed-i Dâ‘î”, TDVİA. | Sirācü’l-Kulūb (The Torch of the Hearts) | |
2 | Maḥmūd b. Ḳaḍı Manyas alias Manyasoġlı | ʿAcebu’l-‘Uccāb (Marvels of the Marvelous) | |
3 | Aḥmed Bîcân (d. after 1466) | Envâru’l-‘Aşıḳîn (“The Lights of the Lovers”) | |
4 | Aḥmed Bīcān (d. after 1466) | Ḳitābu’l-Muntehā ale’l-Fuṣūṣ (“The Book of Utmost Point of the Bezels”) | El-Muntehā (The Utmost Point) |
5 | Anonymous; usually attributed to Aḥmed Bīcān (d. after 1466) but see Kaptein, Dürr-i meknun, 45-47; Grenier, “Reassessing the Authorship of the Dürr-i meknūn” | Dürr-i meknūn (“Hidden pearls”) | |
6 | Mevlānā Şükrullah / Şükrullah Efendi (d. after 1464) | Behcet’ül-tevārīh (“Splendor of histories”) | |
7 | Firdevsī-i Ṭavīl Şerefü’d-dīn Mūsā (Firdevsī-i Rūmī, Uzun Firdevsî, Türk Firdevsī) (1453-after 1517) | Daʿvet-nāme | |
8 | ʿAlī b. ʿAbdu’r-raḥman | ʿAcāibü’l-maḥlūḳāt | |
9 | Elvān Çelebi | Menāḳıbü’l- ḳudsiyye fī menāṣibi’l-ünsiyye | |
10 | Unknown | Ḳıṣaṣ-ı Enbiyā | |
11 | Firāḳī | Ḳırḳ Su’āl (The Forty Questions) | |
12 | [Ebū’l-Fażl İbrāhīm b. Kemāle’d-dīn] | Melḥāme tercümesi | |
13 | Anonymous [Rükne’d-dīn Ahmed] | Tarjama-i ʿAcāib al-maḥlūḳāt | |
14 | Anonymous | Menāḳıb-ı Ḥācım Sultān | |
15 | Unknown | Sirācü’l-Kulūb | |
16 | Anonymous | Abdāl Mūsā Velāyetnāmesi | |
17 | Şevḳī Çelebi (modified by Hüsāme’d-dīn Bursevī in 1620’s) | Menāḳıb-ı Emīr Sultān | |
18 | Cevrī İbrāhīm Çelebi | Melḥāme | Melḥeme, Mülḥeme-i Cevrī |
19 | Aḥmed b. Süleymān [possibly Ibn Kemāl, Şemseddīn Aḥmed b. Süleymān, also known as Kemāl Paşazāde (d.1534)] | Risāle-i ṭılsım (Treatise on Talismans) Title as known and catalogued, the author does not provide a title within the text. | |